The Green
The green is now closed until next season. Our thanks go to Ian, Jimmy and the band of helpers who helped with the preparations for the end of the season.
This year’s AGM will take place on Sunday 12 November in the Pool Room of the Woodbourne Pub – 6.30pm start. Any notices of motion or nominations of office should be sent to the secretary, Paula, by 31 October (37 Palatine Road, Douglas, IM2 3BQ, or via email:
The club’s treasurer and competition secretary are stepping down this year, so nominations for both posts would be appreciated.
To help speed up the evening’s proceedings, it would be helpful if all teams could elect next season’s captains prior to the evening.
Annual Christmas Dinner
The club’s Christmas Dinner is booked for Saturday 25 November, 7.30pm at the Empress Hotel. Full payment must be made by 25 October so if anyone has money outstanding, please contact Paula (411300) to arrange payment. If anyone wishes to be added to the list, please get in touch with Paula ASAP.
Winter well and we hope to see you all at the AGM and the Christmas Dinner.
Douglas Bowling Club Committee