Club rules (revised 2024)
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- The Club will be called: “DOUGLAS BOWLING CLUB”
- The Club will be affiliated to the British Crown Green Bowling Association.
- The business of the club will be managed by 12 officials to be elected at the Annual General Meeting and comprising of the Chairman, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Men’s Club Rep, Ladies Club Rep, Men’s Association Rep, Ladies’ Association Rep, Comp Sec, Green keeper. If one person fills dual positions, additional committee members will be nominated. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman will have the casting vote.
- The affairs of the Club will be entrusted solely to the Committee, who will meet to conduct the business of the Club at such time and place as is decided and a record will be kept of all attendances and proceedings.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held in November, at which meeting, the report of the Committee and Audited Accounts for the year will be submitted to the members for approval. At this meeting, Life Members may also be elected.
- Proposed alterations of these rules or any other notices of motion must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 28 days prior to any General Meeting and must be considered by the Committee prior to such a meeting.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting of members will be convened after the Secretary has been requested to do so by a requisition signed by not less than five members and setting forth in writing the resolution to be moved at such a meeting.
- Any full member of the Club will be eligible for election to membership of the Committee or any Office. Voting at the Annual General Meeting for this purpose is to be by ballot unless otherwise agreed.
- The Committee may at any time fill a vacancy that may occur amongst the Offices of the Club or Committee.
- The Committee shall be responsible for the approval or otherwise of new membership proposals and will have the power to expel any member who, in their opinion, has been guilty of conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Club.
- For the purpose of conducting Committee business, seven members will form a quorum, provided that every possible effort has been made by the Secretary to notify members in advance. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman will have the casting vote.
- The subscription will be decided at the Annual General Meeting and no player will be eligible to play in matches or handicap and scratch competitions until such subscription has been paid.
- The Captains of all teams will be solely responsible for selecting players for their respective teams.
- All disputes on the Green during Club or Open Competitions will be referred to the Competition Secretary, whose decision will be final.
- The Competition Secretary will have the duty to organise and run Club Competitions and Club Opens. The Competition Secretary is to be assisted by Club members chosen before the start of the competition. In the event of bad weather on the day of the competition, the organising team and green keeper (if available) will make any decision regarding play
- In Club competitions of 21 up – handicaps within the range of Minus 6 and Plus 6 will be imposed.
In Club competitions of 15 up – handicaps within the range of Minus 3 and Plus 3 will be imposed.
The winner of a Club Handicap competition will immediately lose 2 points and the runner-up 1 point.
All handicaps are to be reviewed annually. Any player during the year not making a final shall receive one point back.
The Club Championship will be 21 up of scratch. - Club Competition start time 1 pm. Any players, who by arriving late, are found to be impeding the smooth running of the Competition, will be scratched. At the discretion of the Competition Secretary, any person with a bye may have the opportunity to play up to four ends. The Competition Secretary’s decision will be final. Any member scratching from a competition after the draw has been made will be required to pay the entrance fee.
- Social Membership – Subscriptions decided at the AGM.
Any person wishing to join the Club as a Social Member will not be permitted to play in either League Matches on behalf of the Club or Club Competitions but may participate in any Club Social event. Nor can they hold any Club Office. - Junior Membership – Subscriptions decided at the AGM.
- Introductory memberships for novice bowlers for the 1st year will be discounted by 50% + a £15 one-off payment for affiliation to the BCGBA.
- Club Rules are to be displayed at all times in the Clubhouse, and each member of the Club is to be furnished with a printed copy.
- Any Captain of a higher-ranked team who needs a player to make up his team will go to that player first. He will then inform the captain of that player’s team that he is taking him for his team.
- All higher-ranking teams must, where possible, have a full number of players. Higher-ranking teams should not be short of players when a lower-ranked team has a full complement.
- Should Douglas Bowling Club cease to exist/fold, the following procedures for winding up the club should be followed:
The committee will be responsible for winding up the club. All equipment owned by the club will be sold at market value, and all creditors should be paid. In the event of surplus funds, these funds will be distributed equally to all full members who have been full members of Douglas Bowling Club for the past three years.