Start of a new season at the Douglas Bowling Club and the Committee would like to welcome our new and existing members back into the fold for the start of the new season.
We hope you have all wintered well and are fit and raring to go.
We’ve been busy beavers over the winter and we’ll give you a brief run over of what has been happening.
Don’t forget to check the notice boards for updates and keep abreast of what the Club is hoping to achieve in the coming years.
So… What has the Club been up to while you’ve been sitting in front of the fire with a nice glass of wine in your hands?
Well. We had an AGM and the following members were elected to the Committee.
- President – Kath King
- Vice Pres – Pat O’Donohue
- Secretary – Ken Williams
- Treasurer – Roy Williams
- Comp Sec. – Roy Williams
- A Team Capt. – Paul Kelly
- B Team Capt. – Steve Crampton
- Ladies Capt. – Lynn Mansley
- Over 60’s Men – Ken Williams
- Ladies A Over 60’s – Doris Osborn
- Ladies B Over 60’s – Kay McKeirnan
- Members – Sean Cade
- Roy Murphy
- Ian Moore
Once again we are going to have another whirl at the Mixed League. (Maybe we might scare someone. Boo!!)
The Big One… When’s the green opening I hear you ask?
Saturday 24th March is the Answer.
Can we suggest that everyone makes an effort to get down the green and have some fun.
The following week. Sunday 1st April. We are going to hold The Easter Egg Roll.
Now then. The entry fee is £1.50 but everyone gets an Easter Egg and a cup of tea. It also allows our respective team captains to have a good look at us. Scary or What??
The Department of Community, Culture and Leisure has given us permission to put the handrails back in every corner so now you can all stand in the corners, rest your mug of tea on the handrail and generally have a good chinwag.
The handrails will also have a more practical purpose and that is…
The Department has also given us permission to display advertising in each corner.
Hopefully, this will provide a stream of revenue to help with the upkeep of the Green.
Once again ‘Our Ian’ (Gawd bless ‘is cotton socks) is knocking the green back in to shape in readiness for the 24th and the Club has now purchased a new mower, so that needs to be paid off.
We are going to be asking every team captain to try their best to sell at least ONE sports card per home match. If every team can achieve this then we should be well on the way to making our first instalment on the mower.
We’re not sure if everyone knows But…. 2013 is our 125th Anniversary so we need to be thinking of doing something ‘special’.
New Club clothing seems to be top of the bill so we will be needing input from all the members as to the Logo, colours and design of the apparel.
Special mention for this year……We have to wish Steve Crampton every success this season as he tries to get the second team out of the 3rd Division. This will help the Club no end. If Steve and his team can get themselves promoted it will allow us to enter a third team for the 2013 season. This will ensure that more players are getting involved in the League matches. Good luck Steve and team.
Once again, the Committee would like to wish you all the very best for the coming season and hope to see as many of you as possible attend the Club Competitions.
Keep checking the notice board.
Keep checking the website.
Keep feeding the Committee with suggestions.
One last thing……. Time to move into the 21st century. Can everyone please pass on their email details to Ken. This will save on postage and allow Ken to produce more Newsletters throughout the year keeping everyone up to date on what is going on. In the meantime check the website for your latest newsletter.
Good Luck to All The Teams
Douglas Bowling Club Committee