Just an update on what is going on and what is hoping to be carried out this season.
Firstly. Quite a few of the members are finding it difficult to get a good run going in the respective League teams. This is purely down to the ambition of trying to put together 3 Mens teams next year.
If Steve can get the 2nd team into the Second Division then it will be a lot easier for players to move between the various teams without having to leap 2 divisions. It also allows the 2nd team the opportunity of playing consistently at a higher level in the 2nd Division.
Our proposed new 3rd team could then start their bowling career at a level that will hopefully encourage them and not put them into the cauldron.
So. Please take advantage of the Club Night on Thursday evenings.
We are mulling over the idea of running our Club Competitions on these evenings or at least commencing the event and then finishing it off on the Sunday.
These are only ideas and we need to know how many of you are prepared to attend these evenings or step forward and enter our Club Competitions.
Please try your best to attend.
Now then…
- The green has undergone a lot of cosmetic work over the past couple of months but the burden has been carried by very few volunteers.
- There is still a long way to go.
- We need to repaint the Old Clubhouse and clear all the ground behind it so that the greenkeeper’s can have a clear area to stack all the clippings and debris that comes off the green.
- If you feel that you can help in any way please put your name forward. Many hands make light work.
We are in the planning process of building a new covered shelter alongside the Pump shed up to the big green door. Hopefully this will be completed before the September Festival and will obviously be ready for next season so everyone can at least get some shelter from the bad weather.
Sweatshirts etc
Quite a few of you have expressed their wish to have new Club Clothing and we need your input into the colour of the clothing.
To add another revenue stream to our balance sheet we are also proposing obtaining a ‘One-Off’ 125th Anniversary sweatshirt that will be a dark green colour with gold embroidery.
Reason for this colour choice is commercial.
It will allow us to convey a corporate image that is recognisable by Douglas Corporation, Dept of Leisure and Culture and IOM Breweries.
These organisations are going to be responsible for staging one of the biggest Isle of Man Competitions that will be held at the ‘Villa’. Talks are already quite a long way down the road and will hopefully be getting resolved during the next couple of months.
These shirts will be put on sale for visiting bowlers and of course any club members who would like a 125th Anniversary memento.
Bear in mind that this is not going to be the Club Colours (unless you all decide to choose that particular colour). The choice of the Club Colours is entirely up to the membership. But….. You have to make your choice during the month of June.
These items of clothing will have to be ordered during July so that we can have our clothing before the season ends. (Pointless trying to get everyone sorted out over the winter period as most of us go to ground and don’t surface until Spring).
We hope that you are enjoying your bowling on the better green surface but bear in mind that we always need to be raising funds to keep and maintain that surface. The greenkeeper’s are now in possession of 3 new cassettes for the new mower but these come at a price and we need to keep improving the Bowling green so that it becomes one of the best surfaces on the Island.
That about sums it up for now.
Great to see all the teams are making significant moves in the right direction.
Keep it up folks.
Enjoy the rest of the season and please feel free to inject your input into the Club by using the Committee members.
Oops! Nearly forgot…. If you can manage to do a spell in the tea hut during the Festival period your help will be surely appreciated.
Douglas Bowling Club Committee
Collin Holland
Could not find like but impressed with web site well done
Cheers Colin
Ray Watterson
You appear to be doing an excellent job Ken. But it also looks like you have the ‘takers’ out of bowling and not many givers like so many clubs around the island. People expect things to be done for them (laid on a plate) same trouble with us.
Your Website is ‘cool man’.
Thanks for the feedback on the new website layout Ray.